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How Microdosing Mushrooms Resets Your Brain

Majik Microdoses

Updated: Dec 23, 2022

Have you ever been stuck in a rut? It’s no fun… And when a rut becomes a way of life, then it’s kind of like being stuck in a perpetual hamster wheel…

And we’re not hamsters… We are humans! And as humans, we are designed to live a dynamic and ever evolving life.

A rut inherently contradicts our innate design…

So let’s talk about Microdosing mushrooms.

Microdosing mushrooms has an amazing capacity to reset our brains, and help us to break free from the patterns and habits that are holding us back. To put it simply, Microdosing can help us reset, remember and rewire ourselves back to our innate design…

To Reset Your Brain, You Need To Know WHAT You Are Resetting…

So before we go any farther, let me explain what I mean by rut…

“a habit or pattern of behaviour that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change”

“a long deep track made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles”

These are the dictionary definitions.

So if we translate that to something more relatable…

Let’s say you’re depressed or suffering from anxiety, PTSD or other mental health issues… Perhaps life has lots its “sparkle” and the creative juices just aren’t flowing… Or maybe you know there is something “more” to be experienced beyond the 9-5 but you can’t quite put your finger on it…

In all of the above examples, we could say that you’ve reached a point where your regular habits or patterns of daily life have become dull and unproductive… And by “unproductive” I mean it is not productively moving in the direction of your heart and soul’s true desire…

You’re tired of your “status quo” and you want to steer the ship in a different direction. This is really good news, because now you have a starting place! You have identified the rut that you want to get out of…

Creating The Life Of Your Dreams…

At one time I was stuck in some pretty dark ruts… Like the kind of darkness that whether your eyes are open or closed, all you can see is black…

I knew in my heart that I had a higher calling… But I couldn’t articulate it, I couldn’t see it, and I certainly couldn’t live it…

So I just continued down the same well trodden tracks… and I was in deniable of the fact that these tracks were in fact deep ditches that were swallowing me whole…

I was stuck in my life and any momentum forward was slow like molasses.

Not only that, but I was anxious everyday…

And this was the kind of anxiety that twists and turns in your stomach… Everyday I felt like my intestines was a wet damp cloth and every last drop was getting squeezed and wrung out… My heart would beat so fast that I felt like it was going to jump out of my chest and run off down the road… It was actually so bad that I would feel light headed and dizzy even if I was just standing still…

I don’t know if you have ever experienced this kind of anxiety, but it’s debilitating… I mean, I couldn’t even think straight…

How could I possibly get out of these patterns?

I remember thinking to myself “I need help… I need a reset.”

Well that thought was like a prayer out to the Universe… And within a few weeks I was introduced by a good friend to Microdosing mushrooms. At that point I had nothing to lose…

So I gave it a shot. But It wasn’t a shot in the dark… I put my heart and soul into the process… I was earnest and strong in my intentions… I truly wanted to reset my life...

I was ready to create the life that I was meant to live…

And that began a process that would change my life forever…

When I began Microdosing mushrooms, I looked inwards… And I faced my fears.

You see, all that anxiety… It was actually me running away from myself…

I was running away from my sadness, anger, insecurity, and pain… But we can only run for so long, and I was beginning to realize that no matter how far I ran, it was always me that was running…

The mushrooms helped me realize that I had to face myself.

And so I did, because there was no other option… I realized that these patterns of anxiety, sadness, anger, insecurity, and pain were literally hardwired into my brain…

And it became clear that the darkness of my external life was actually a dark hole inside of myself. This hole could only be filled by loving myself unconditionally… And so that’s what I set out to do.

As the mushrooms brought me through this “great reset”, I realized something truly fantastic…

The life of my dreams had a lot less to do with the life around me and a lot more to do with the life within me…

The answer to my prayer… The answer to breaking free from anxiety and reseting my life… Was to create a new way of life… So that no matter what my life circumstances were, I could walk through them in a good way… that was the great reset of my life… Because to be honest my “external life” doesn’t look all that different right now as it did before… But my way of living it is fundamentally different…

Resetting The Way You Live Your Life…

So as you can tell, Microdosing mushrooms does far more than reset your brain. Microdosing has the capacity to reset the fundamental ways that you live your life…

This inherently will transform your brain, and so much more…

Here’s the thing about the brain… It is amazingly dynamic. It can change, adapt and grow even into our old age! But it is also like a supercomputer… Meaning its intelligence is driven by the “codes” written into it.

So who writes the code?

Well… We all have the potential to write the codes.

But here’s the sad thing… Almost NO ONE is actually doing this! at least not consciously…

Most of us are running on the unconscious codes that were “downloaded” into us as children and young adults… These are the conditionings, beliefs and life experiences that shaped us. They were given to us by our family, community, and our society at large.

But we aren’t kids anymore (and if you are, kudos for reading this far!)… We are (presumably…) adults.

By beginning to be honest with ourselves, we can then see clearly these beliefs, conditionings, and traumas… and then we have the power to change the story of our lives.

Think of this like the placebo effect. Often times, a surprisingly high number of people can be healed by sugar pills… Simply because they believe that those sugar pills are the medicine that will heal them!

The power of belief is profound. The beliefs we tell ourselves will dictate our emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical states… It just takes time.

This Is Where Microdosing Comes In…

Mushrooms, whether in a “micro” dose or “macro” dose, offer us a light in the dark… They help us to see ourselves more clearly and they can offer us fresh perspectives on the way we are living.

You can think of Microdosing mushrooms like a candle in a dark room… All that was unseen is gently illuminated…

Now, think of this dark room as your unconscious mind… As you’re Microdosing, you will begin to see more clearly the ruts, habits and patterns that no longer serve you, and you will find new ways of being.

When combined with other practices, Microdosing has an amazing capacity to transform our lives from the inside out. You could say, Microdosing is “the reset button” of not only your brain, but your entire life…

How To Hit The “Reset” Button…

As we talked about earlier a “rut” is when you’re stuck in life… A rut is when the patterns, habits, and beliefs that are not actually “yours” are stopping you from living your best life…

These ruts are like deep tracks that are literally grooved into your brain…

As you break the patterns and free yourself from these ruts, you will begin to rewire and reset your entire brain… This takes time, so patience is key.

The way to start is with an intention. Take some time to consider the ruts you wish to break free from… But beyond breaking free, what is the life of your dreams? What is the state of being, or the way of life you intend to live?

This is really important, because what you focus on is what you become. That being said, if you are unable to visualize or imagine your ideal life… Just start by breaking free from your current ruts. The rest will fall into place over time… also remember that with time, your intentions may change and shift.

I’d like to share some examples of “ideal ways of living” that hopefully inspire you…

“I live life with joy, prosperity and love”

“I live life connected to Nature and connected to Spirit”

“I live life to the fullest. I am fulfilling my highest potential.

“Everyday I live with purpose no matter what”

“Everyday I live from my heart, with joy and love”

“I live a creative, inspiring, and enriching life”

As you can see, these are ways of living. Which means external circumstances are irrelevant… You could be working at McDonalds or at a gas station, and you could apply any of the above intentions. If that’s the case, don’t be surprised if suddenly the world sweeps you off to live a far more exciting and enriching life!

Also notice how these intentions are quite incompatible with depression, anxiety or a mediocre life… So if you can’t envision a “dream life”, then start with one of these that resonate, and you can always adjust your intention later…

Whatever you choose, write it down. Put it on your fridge, your bed side table, or even your front door! Read it everyday, especially when you take your Microdose. And do your best to live it!

Remember though that this may take time…

It’s kind of like a savings account… Let’s say every month you put away $100. Well, it may seem like slow progress. But pretty soon that money starts earning interest… And that interest starts compounding… And before you know it, your money is making money all on its own! And it’s growing faster and faster.

So try to be patient, and most importantly… Do you best to enjoy the process!

More Ways To Get The MOST Of Your Microdoses…

Beyond intention and being aware of patterns and beliefs, I’d like to share some other practices that will be like rocket fuel on your Microdosing journey (especially when you integrate them into your daily life)!


Any kind of meditation practice that will calm your nervous system and support you to cultivate a deeper sense of self awareness will move mountains on reseting your brain and life…

Meditation literally rewires your brain. Consider practicing heart centred meditation. One amazing resource is the “heart math institute”. They sell a product that helps you track your heart rate variability which is directly associated with whether you are stressed, depressed and anxious, or calm, relaxed and joyful.

Whatever meditation you choose the purpose is to have time to go inward, to focus, to breath and to practice self awareness, so you can take “control” of your inner world.

Somatic Movement

Throughout this process, it is common for people to experience old and stuck emotions and traumas to surface. Although these are uncomfortable, they will pass… And they are a necessary part of healing.

Somatic practices are extremely helpful here. These are things like breath work, dancing, yoga, qi gong or even exercise. The idea is have a practice that can physically and energetically move the stuck emotions or energy in your body.


Journaling is a powerful tool to reflect and integrate your experiences. Consider buying a special journal just for microdosing. Try to write at least 10-15 minutes everyday about your struggles and your triumphs. Start off by writing your intentions, and your goals.

And We’re Just Getting Started…

The amazing thing about microdosing is that it really can compliment any personal growth, spiritual or religious practice. Whatever you are choosing, microdosing can enhance and speed up your process of transformation, growth and creativity.



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