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How To Find A Source Of Magic Mushrooms ANYWHERE In The World

Majik Microdoses

Updated: Dec 23, 2022

Finding a safe and reliable source of Psilocybin mushrooms is NOT as complicated as you may think… In fact, in this article I am going to explain how you can find a source of psilocybin No matter where you live!

By now most of us have heard of the amazing benefits of psilocybin and microdosing... it's amazing to see how much this movement has grown... Doctors, Entrepreneurs, and Researchers are joining the trend, and now it has hit the mainstream...

But the thing is, the LAW has not caught up to this trend... So naturally many people are missing out on the opportunity to work with this amazing medicine due to the legalities surrounding it...

Psilocybin Is NOT A Drug! It's Medicine...

The sad truth is that In most places around the world, psilocybin is considered an “illegal drug”… And as soon as we hear this, it is SO easy for the mind to jump to a place of fear… I mean drugs are “bad”, “dangerous”, and only “criminals” buy and sell them, right…?

But here’s the thing… This is just NOT true…

But I totally understand why you may think like this, as most people’s experience with drugs is from movies, TV and the news… All of which outline a grim, dark and downright terrifying world of drugs…

Which of course is totally accurate when we’re looking into a world of street drugs like Cocaine, Heroine, Meth, and other highly addictive and toxic substances…

The reality is though that Psilocybin Mushrooms may fall into the category of “drugs” they are part of a MUCH different world than “hard drugs”… In fact it’s really not at all fair to lump them under the same category…

Psilocybin is a medicine, not a "drug"... It's for healing, evolution and transformation... It is not for getting high.

The cool thing is, buying "Medicine" like magic mushrooms is not at all like buying "drugs"...

Why Sourcing Psilocybin Mushrooms Is NOTHING Like Sourcing Drugs…

Let me paint a picture for you…

You’re in New York City… It’s a dark night, and the only source of light is from the cold unnatural glow of the street lamps… Theres stray dogs wandering the streets, skinny and hungry, trying to find their next meal… There’s smoke billowing up from the sewers and the smell of the city invokes an almost nauseas sensation in the pit of your stomach…

There’s a dark ally up ahead, and a man in a long trench coat is hunched over, pacing back and forth… He’s the guy about to sell you those magic mushroooms you’ve heard so much about… As you look down the alley, you hear a siren off in the distance, and you think “this is not for me… I am out of here!!!” And you run off down the dark street, heart racing and empty handed…

This is the scene most people have in their mind when they imagine buying something illegal like psilocybin…

The funny thing is… This could not be farther from the Truth…

What It Is REALLY Like Buying Magic Mushrooms…

As someone who has been buying Psilcoybin for over a decade... From Canada to the USA to Mexico to South America... the experience is always far more enjoyable…

It’s more like a “Pineapple Express” kind of deal… You go to a house in a quiet neighborhood… You knock on the door but no one answers… A little frustrated, you knock a bit louder… Then your phone vibrates and you get a message from your “dealer”…

The message says, “Why you knocking bro?! You know mi casa es tu casa! Let yourself in… I’m in my room…”

So you open the door and walk into the house… It is full of all sorts of beautiful hanging plants, and a big brown friendly dog runs up to greet you… As you enter your “dealers” room , you’re greeted by the thick but sweet smell of Nag Champa incense burning…

He’s sitting on his bed, hair all wild, and he’s playing guitar… The walls are covered in tie die tapestry, and the room is littered with all sorts of parafanalia, from bongs to buddha statues to books about tantra…

over the next 2 hours you engage in all sorts of crazy conversations from conspiracy theories to opening your chakras to how to get rich quick…

As if walking out of a dream... You leave with a big smile on your face, and a pocket full of mushrooms…

Your “Dream” Mushroom Dealer Is Closer Then You Think…

Ok, so now that we have beaten that dead horse… Hopefully your fears have been laid to rest…

But you’re still probably wondering… “How do I meet such a laid back guitar playing mushroom dealing hippy?”

The reality is most people just aren’t connected to these types of people… and those who are, probably are not reading this article…

But let go of your doubts because you’re more connected then you think…

Psilocybin mushroom is starting to make headlines… Documentaries are being made, credible science is being conducted, and all sorts of respected people are talking about it…

This means it’s not so “taboo” anymore… and so magic mushrooms are a lot closer than you think…

OK, On To The Good Stuff… Sourcing Magic Mushrooms Safely

1. Start With The Lowest Hanging Fruit

If you live in Canada, then look no further… You’re on a magic mushroom website! Check out our products, and grab some whole mushrooms or some of our mushroom microdoses today… However many of you may live in other countries (Sorry we are not able to ship internationally!!)

2. Call A Friend

For some of you, this may feel edgy… Especially if you live in a conservative country, state or city… But you may be pleasantly surprised… Reach out to some of your trusted friends or family and simply ask them if they know anywhere to get mushrooms (or microdoses)! Remember, explain to them that you are using them for medicinal purposes, so you can be a better human Being…

3. Ask Your Marijuana Source

Marijuana and mushrooms attract a similar type of person… If you have a friend or “dealer” you get your weed from, ask them if they have a source of mushrooms. If you live in a weed-legal state, city or country, go to your local weed shops… Ask them if they can help you get mushrooms. There’s a chance they will say no due to legal reasons, but it’s worth a shot! We suggest going in when it is not busy… Try not to be “weird” or “sketchy” about it. Just explain why you want mushrooms and ask if they can support you in your healing. Honesty goes a long way.

4. Find Spiritual Community

Finding a spiritual community is a great way to source mushrooms, as well as surround yourself with people who are on a healing path. We are the sum of the people we spend the most time with… When you spend your time with spiritually oriented and good hearted people, you may be shocked at what “rubs off” on you.

But back to finding a good supply of psilocybin… MOST Spiritual oriented people are open to mushrooms. There’s a good chance if you find yourself connected to a spiritual community, at least ONE person will be able to help you find mushrooms.

Just be friendly, come with an open heart, and don’t just “jump in” to the subject of buying mushrooms. Make friends and heart centred connections first, and try to organically bring up mushrooms. If the conversation goes well and the people you are connecting with are open to the conversation, then dig a little deeper…

Remember, it can be seen as disrespectful to just “show up” in a community and ask to find a source of mushrooms. Make friends first!

Some Examples Of Mushroom “Positive” Communities and Events…

  • Plant Medicine Communities - People who gather in a sacred way to consume Peyote, Ayahuasca, San Pedro or other Psychedelic medicines.

  • Men’s Circles or Women’s Circles

  • Qi Gong or Tai Chi Classes

  • Cacao Ceremonies

  • Song Circles

  • Music Festivals (These are by FAR the easiest places to find mushrooms. They are commonly bought & sold by those who attend music festivals)

  • Local Apothecaries

  • Anything Marijuana related

  • Kirtan Circles

  • Yoga Classes

  • Look for “event” spaces that host any of the above community events and follow them on facebook or Instagram. Attend events there and become involved in the community as much as possible

Remember these are just examples… You will need to search and discover on your own.

5. Go On Facebook

Facebook is also a great place to find local community and events. Search your local city / area on Facebook groups and events. Let’s say you live in Boulder Colorado. Try searching “Boulder Colorado (INSERT any of the above events… You can also include things like “community”, “spirituality”, “healing”, etc…).

However, do NOT buy mushrooms off Facebook. There are lots of scammers on Facebook who will take your money and not actually give you any psilocybin in return.

Once you set the intention and take action, you will be surprised at the magic that will unfold… You may just find that sourcing mushrooms is far easier than you ever could have imagined…

Happy Hunting!



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Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, Canada

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