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Your Guide To Microdosing Mushrooms For Anxiety

Majik Microdoses

Updated: Dec 23, 2022

Microdosing mushrooms is NOT going to just “Fix” your Anxiety… The truth is microdosing mushrooms is not a magic pill… Well I guess technically it is a “magic” pill… But what I mean to say, is that Microdosing is not just a QUICK FIX approach…

Now before I go any further please bear with me for a moment, because I DON’T want to scare you off…

Microdosing can definitely be a MAJOR ally in your healing journey… I mean many people have gotten off of anti-depressants and begun to live a normal life again thanks to microdosing…

But far too many people are touting it to be some cure all, and they are simply being dishonest… I don’t think that’s fair, especially when it comes to people who are suffering and looking for answers…

But that’s the key… “People who are looking for answers”… That’s when the secret power of the Microdose becomes active.

Microdosing Gives YOU What You Need To Overcome Your Anxiety…

Let me explain… When I first started microdosing, I was really anxious… It was so bad, that MULTIPLE times a day, my heart would start beating SO fast that it felt like a jackhammer was pounding in my chest, from the inside out… My stomach would churn and fill with the feelings of a thousand crazy butterflies visoucsly flapping their wings, trying to escape…

And I know what you’re thinking… It really was THAT bad… I didn’t just have butterflies in my stomach, I had VISCOUS CRAZY butterflies…

It felt like I was trapped in a prison without a key… And that prison was my mind and my body… It was terrible and life was just about getting through each day…

So naturally I got all excited when I heard about Microdosing… I could hardly wait to try it. I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning, sitting at the top of the stairs and peaking around the corner to see how full the stockings were…

I was even more excited when I began to take my microdoses, and my anxiety VANISHED… Like a little puff of smoke, it disappeared before my very eyes…

Here’s the crazy part though, and listen carefully because I want you to AVOID the mistakes I made…

After about 6 weeks, my anxiety returned, and to my surprise, it actually got worse…

That’s when I knew Something wasn’t right…

Why Microdosing Made My Anxiety WORSE…

What I later realized is exactly what I was sharing at the beginning of this post… Microdosing is not a magic pill approach…

As much as I wanted a quick fix, this was just not the reality of microdosing…

This is because the True MAGIC of mushrooms is found in our CONNECTION with the Mushrooms… In the COMMUNION with the Spirit & the medicine itself…

This is when we start truly healing, from the inside out… Because one of the most amazing aspects of psilocybin is that it opens our perception to see things from new angles and dimensions…

Let me explain it like this… A lot of times people eat mushrooms, and their whole lives make sense… They have this profound experience that can’t be articulated… It is like they are seeing the world for the FIRST time… Then the effects ware off, and they are in the “after glow”… They still feel glimpses of that connection, but it is not nearly as strong… And it is downright IMPOSSIBLE to put into words!

To put it simply, we are able to see the Reality for what it really is… We are SPIRITUAL beings having a HUMAN experience… And this Spiritual aspect lives in all of Creation. Mushrooms help us connect to this and so we can begin to see things from an expanded and more enlightened perspective.

But I digress… Lets get back to the topic at hand, and why in the world my anxiety got WORSE from microdosing…

Well Part of how the mushrooms work is in order for us to see things from a new perspective, we have to be willing to SEE ourselves… We have to be willing to SEE our own shadows and blocks… Basically we have to face our problems (in this case anxiety…) head on… This is the first step. Once we FACE it, we can then see it from this new “enlightened” perspective.

Well, here’s the thing… I was NOT facing it. I was just popping microdoses because they were working in the present moment. I was NOT doing my shadow work, and so eventually I was FORCED to…

I was forced to do it, because not only did my anxiety return, but it got WORSE…

Then The Magic Really Started…

So I came back to the drawing board and realized some things… and then something magical happened… It was like a spark got lit in my heart, and I knew EXACTLY what I had to do…

And so I started to turn inward and face myself… I started to face all the feelings I had stuffed down… Everything I had avoided feeling for so many years… And then it became so CLEAR… No wonder I was anxious… There was so much emotion stuffed down, it was just trying to express itself in the only way it knew how…

And so I began a journey of healing and the mushrooms were amazing helpers… They guided and supported the process like a true Teacher. They showed me the parts of myself I had hidden away, they helped me to find love and compassion for myself, and they led me down a path to Truly find healing.


So as I took these microdoses, they helped me peer into my subconscious and I began to discover the traumas and emotions I had hidden way… And so I began to heal… But I didn’t do it alone…

I reached out for help and worked with various healers, coaches, teachers and friends and family… I started practicing blissful heart centred meditations, qi gong, and tai chi… I began to spend as much time as possible in nature… and I began to pray and talk to Nature and to Spirit…

Sure enough, I began to heal.

What You Can Do WITH Your Microdoses…

So what I want to share with you is what I have found to be the MOST impactful practices I have discovered to use IN COMBINATION with Microdosing mushrooms… Especially for Anxiety…

1. Breathwork

This is a simple practice and it can be ANY type of breath… The truth is, breath is life. We can live for days without food and water, but we can only live for 3 minutes without oxygen. As you breath LIFE into your body, it will clear and cleanse all that contradicts life… It will clear toxins, emotions, traumas, beliefs, and whatever else does not serve the Flow of Life through your being… If you imagine the body as an energetic system, when density gets “stuck”, the energy gets stuck… And it builds up like a Dam. It is no wonder people are more anxious than ever before!

2. Heart Centred Meditation

We all know meditation is important. At this point it is common knowledge… However the TYPE of meditation is SO important… The “right” meditation is amazingly blissful and potent, whereas others can be boring and dry… Which is NOT motivating! My FAVORITE meditations are heart centred meditations. That’s why I’ve created this simple but POWERFUL meditation for you to supercharge your microdose…

3. Going BEYOND Your Intention…

As you likely know, I am BIG on intention setting… However to really get the most from your microdose, you want to set the “proper” intention and then go BEYOND it…

Let me explain… Use the power of your words… For example “I want to get rid of my anxiety” is far less effective as … “I release all anxiety from my being, and I embody a grounded and centered way of Life” - Put it in your own words… But notice how I used POSITIVE and AFFIRMING words for the intention? These will go far beyond just a regular old “intention”.

Then… One more step! FOCUS on your intention EVERY day… Especially when you take your microdose… Spend 5, 10 or even 20 minutes each day VISUALIZING your intention… Feel it, see it, touch it, and then LIVE it! Your mind has so much power so practice peace and calm rather than practicing anxiety or depression…

4. Lean INTO Your Anxiety / Depression, etc…

When we experience trauma and extreme stress, emotional energy gets stuck and stagnant in the body… When this becomes a chronic pattern of suppressing emotional energy, eventually our body starts to cry out… Our body will start to try and communicate with us…

It does this through anxiety, depression and other mental health “problems”... So often these are from unexpressed emotional energy… When you experience anxiety, ask yourself where it is living in this moment inside of your body… Your body will talk back! Now breath INTO that space… Inquire into it… Soon enough you will find there are all sorts of FEELINGS there beyond anxiety…

5. Ask For Help

Remember… You do not have to do this alone. In fact, I believe that you can NOT do it alone… Part of healing (and part of illness) is to seek out connections with others… So reach out and ask for support. Talk to friends and family… But Most importantly, find a healer, coach, or someone who can guide you through a process…

At Majik Microdoses, we offer this kind of support, so that we can go deeper with you (and your microdose)... Learn More About our 1:1 Microdosing Consultations ! Whether you work with us or not, we highly encourage you to find someone who resonates with you, as it will supercharge your healing journey!

6. Add In Other Supplements

There are so many other supplements and protocols you can follow to support healing your anxiety... There are far too many to name here, however diet and digestion have MAJOR impacts on mental health and anxiety...

Consider eating organic foods... Try to cut down on carbohydrates and increase healthy fats and proteins...

2 Functional (non-psychedelic) mushrooms we put in our blend are Lion's Mane and Reishi Mushrooms... These 2 Super herbs are amazing at healing the nervous system, reducing stress and so much more... IN fact we take them EVERY day whether we are microdosing or not!

Overcoming Anxiety Is Not An OvernIght Process..

Remember, conquering anxiety is not an overnight process… So often anxiety becomes a “way of life”... Everyday we struggle with it, and we begin to orient our choices, decisions and perceptions around how it will make our anxiety better or worse…

This is natural, but it can also become a neurosis… Which ultimately perpetuates anxious behavior as it deepens one’s identification with their symptoms.

Just remember there is nothing wrong with you if you have anxiety… It just means your system (and spirit) is rejecting the toxic culture and conditioning you have found yourself in…

And just as anxiety becomes a “way of life” in order to truly heal anxiety (or any mental illness for that matter), you will need to create a new Way of Life…

With time you will find this New Way Of Life to be incredibly connected, fulfilling and joyful… It just might take some time and work!

Happy Healing…



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